End: 1
To introduce the principles of probability and statistics, and their applications in the engineering field Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
(1)Compute and interpret descriptive statistics
(2)Understand the basic concepts of probability, random variables, probability distribution, and joint probability
(3)Compute point estimation of parameters and determine sampling distributions
(4)Construct confidence intervals
(5)Perform simple linear regression
College of Social Engineering Main Campus *Majors-only (including minor and double major students). On-Lei(Annie) Kwok 45 Tuesday 3,4,5 CIE2011 3 Half Department of Civil Engineering http://www.ce.ntu.edu.tw/ce_eng/
HydrologyHydrology is the study of the earth’s waters – their movement, distribution, and other relative qualitative and quantitative issues. The objective of this course is to introduce the student to 1) Principles and processes governing the movement of water through the hydrologic cycle, including atmospheric moisture flow, surface runoff, infiltration, river routing and groundwater flow; and 2) The quantitative description of hydrologic characteristics, including, hydrologic measurement, hydrologic statistics, and frequency analysis techniques applied to problems of engineering hydrologic design Students are expected to understand
1. The qualitative and quantitative description of hydrologic cycle
2. Infiltration process
3. Surface runoff process
4. Watershed precipitation runoff process
5. Channel routing
6. Introduction of groundwater
7. Hydrologic statistic and frequency analysis
College of Social Engineering Main Campus *Majors-only (including minor and double major students). Jiing-Yun You 40 Tuesday 3,4 Thursday 4 CIE3011 3 Half Department of Civil Engineering, Earth System Science http://www.ce.ntu.edu.tw/ce_eng/
Chemical Engineering Process Design PracticeThis course is an integration of undergraduate chemical engineering core courses for process design. This course is divided into two parts: (1) the combined lectures for basic design principles, and (2) team design practice under the guidance of 5 to 7 professors. College of Social Engineering Main Campus *Prerequisite: Chemical Engineering Process Design Jeffrey Daniel Ward 17 Thursday 6,7 ChemE4015 2 Half Department of Chemical Engineering http://www.che.ntu.edu.tw/che/?lang=en
Seminar on Asian RegionalismDr. Su is now Jean Monnet Chair Professor at National Taiwan University and the Director General of the European Union Centre in Taiwan. He has also served as President of ECSA Taiwan (European Community Studies Association Taiwan) since January 2015, Member of Council of Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe since November 2003 and Member of European Academy of Science and Liberal Arts since May 2015. He is also the chief editor of Book Series on EU Studies in Taiwan and Taiwan Political Science Review. He got his Ph. D. of International History of University Paris-Sorbonne after he had obtained a Master of EC Law of University Pantheon-Sorbonne, a Master of Diplomacy and International Law of National Cheng-Chi University and a BA of National Taiwan University. His expertise is on the European Union Studies, EU-Asian relations and Asian regionalism. His current research focuses on public diplomacy and regional cooperation.
– Guest Speaker: Mr. Roland Schwinn
Roland Schwinn is the CEO of Eurex Clearing Asia and Head of Business Development for Asia, Pacific and the Middle East for Eurex, the derivatives market of the Deutsche Boerse Group. He joined Eurex in 2007 as Head of Business Research until he took over the business development role for the Asia Pacific region in July 2007. He is also the founding director of Deutsche Boerse Asia Holding and Eurex Clearing Asia and since July 2015 he acts as the Chief Executive officer of Eurex Clearing Asia in Singapore.
Proposed speeches by Mr. Roland Schwinn
A 1. An European Enterprise in Asian financial markets: Opportunities and Challenges
2. An European enterprise in Asian financial markets: Case studies in India, China, Taiwan, Singapore and Korea
B 3. “Ever fast changing financial markets in Asia”.
4. Revolution with FinTech in Asia
This seminar aims to equip students with knowledge of institutional and political dimensions of Asian regionalism and its role in world and regional politics. It is an English teaching seminar. College of Social Science *Restrict to 3rd-year and above. Hung-Dah Su 30 Thursday 8,9 PS5675 2 Half Department of Political Science,
Graduate Institute of Political Science,
Program for East Asian Studies
This is a mathematical analysis course for doctoral and master students in economics. The course aims to
prepare you for advanced courses in economics and your future research. The material includes some basic
concepts in set theory, real analysis, convexity and optimization. Given the time constraint, the focus of the
course is not to have an extensive coverage of mathematical concept and theorem, but rather to give you a
decent training in abstract reasoning and theorem proving. Course Outlines
Sets and Functions
1. Sets
2. Functions
3. Cardinality
3. Rational Numbers
Real Numbers and Metric Space
1. Real Numbers
2. Metric Space
3. Convergence
4. Cauchy Sequence
1. Open Sets and Closed Sets
2. Continuous Functions
3. Compactness
4. Existence of Optima
Covexity and Optimization
1. Convexity
2. Duality
3. Karush_Kuhn_Tucker Theorem
Linear Algebra
1. Vector Space
2. Matrix Algebra
3. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
College of Social Science Main Campus *Restrict to graduate students.
*Ten classes only, from Aug. 28 to Sept. 8, Monday to Friday, 9:10-12:10
Chien-Chiang Wang 80 ECON7009 2 Half Graduate Institute of Economics http://www.econ.ntu.edu.tw/db/new2011/index.asp?l=english
The Asia-Pacific region is frequently divided into four sub-regions: Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Australasia. In September 2016, Taiwan’s government launched the “New Southbound Policy” initiative to enhance cooperation with eighteen countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Australasia with the aim of reducing its dependence on mainland China. In the context of the growing importance of these three sub-regions to Taiwan, this course offers an overview of the politics of each of these three sub-regions. By the end of the course, students will have:
(1) A broad understanding of the Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Australasia sub-regions of the Asia-Pacific and how they relate to Taiwan;
(2) An awareness and ability to discuss some of the major contemporary issues facing each of the sub-regions;
(3) An understanding of the use of the comparative method for the study of regional politics;
(4) The ability to read academic texts in English;
(5) Oral and written communication skills in the English language.
College of Social Science Main Campus Mark Weatherall 70 Wednesday 6,7 PS4632 2 Half Department of Political Science http://politics.ntu.edu.tw/english/
Principle of Economics (with Recitation) (1)[For the complete info, please refer to http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~josephw/principles_micro_15F.htm ]
This is the introductory class for the principles of microeconomics. It serves as an introduction of economics to an audience that are not familiar with Calculus. (Those who have took Calculus should consider taking microeconomics instead.) One interesting feature of this class is there will be various classroom experiments throughout the semester, and students are expected to participate actively in them.
This is a course taught in English, and all assignments are in English. If you feel that you would be in a disadvantaged position, please take other principles classes instead.
The Goal of this class is to introduce how economists think (without the math required for microeconomics), and, help you think like an economist! Specifically, we will see how economists observe real world phenomenon, build simplified models of reality, derive theories to provide policy advice, and test implications with empirical or experimental data. College of Social Science Main Campus Joseph Tao-Yi Wang 250 Monday 5 Wednesday 5 Friday 3,4,5 ECON1004 4 Full Department of Economics,
Department of Economics,
Department of Accounting,
Department of Finance,
Department of International Business
This class is taught in English. The two semesters are independent and can be taken separately. The first semester deals with early economic history (pre-1900) and focuses primarily on Asia. During this semester we will deal with broad issues concerning how the human race came to dominate the planet using increasingly complex means of cooperation. The second semester covers the 20th-century. The focus will remain primarily on Asia. The second semester will have a more practical orientation. We will primarily discuss what has been causing modern economic growth. Given the broad subject matter, the course will only be able to offer a general overview of the periods and economic regions covered.
The course will meet three hours, one day a week. Generally, the first two hours will be lectures with question & answer periods. Then, the third hour will be devoted to group work. Students will generally be randomly assigned to small groups and required to read one English-language paper or book chapter to prepare for this work. By the end of the class, the group should e-mail me a two page paper. Grades will be based on group work (40%), a midterm quiz (15%) and a final exam (45%). There is no text, but you will be responsible for the weekly readings, lecture material and notes posted on line.
Learn a little about how the world grew more populous and prosperous, and how we investigate this growth. Also, learn to work in small groups with people from other countries. College of Social Science Main Campus Kelly Barton Olds 87 Monday 7,8,9 ECON3007 3 Half Department of Economics http://www.econ.ntu.edu.tw/db/new2011/index.asp?l=english
Microeconomics(Ⅰ)The goal of this course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts of microeconomics. The target of the course is students majoring in Economics. In the fall semester, our main focus will be theories on producers and consumers in competitive markets. The formal prerequisite is the Principle of Economics. Besides, knowledge of freshman calculus is highly recommended. Professor Elliot Fan will teach the second half of the course in the spring semester to cover topics of the non-competitive market and imperfect markets. College of Social Science Main Campus Patrick Dejarnette 95 Monday 6,7,8 ECON2001 3 Half Department of Economics http://www.econ.ntu.edu.tw/db/new2011/index.asp?l=english
Macroeconomics(Ⅰ)This course is the first of a two-semester sequence in intermediate-level macroeconomics. This course is designed to introduce macroeconomic issues such as growth, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, exchange rates, and budget deficits. This course will provide a unified framework to address these issues and to study the impact of different macroeconomic policies on the aggregate behavior of individuals. The course will provide a unified framework to address macroeconomic issues such as economic growth and business cycles. We also study the impact of different policies, such as monetary and fiscal policies, on the aggregate behavior of individuals. College of Social Science Main Campus Byeonghwa Choi,Yi-Chan Tsai 83 Wednesday 6,7,8 ECON2003 3 Half Department of Economics http://www.econ.ntu.edu.tw/db/new2011/index.asp?l=english
Statistics and Econometrics with Recitation(1)Statistics and Econometrics I and II are designed for Econ major students to fulfill the departmental quantitative analysis requirements, and ECON 2014 Statistics and Econometrics I is the first half of this sequence.
In Statistics and Econometrics I, we will focus on basic probability theory and fundamentals of mathematical statistics, since probability and statistics are important tools to predict economic outcomes under uncertain environments. Some important topics covered in Statistics and Econometrics I are conditional probability, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and introduction of linear regression. Its objective is to provide students with basic statistical tools and concepts that will help them estimate economic models and do subsequent inferences. College of Social Science Main Campus Sheng-Kai Chang 140 Tuesday 6,7,8 Wednesday 3,4 ECON2014 4 Full Department of Economics http://www.econ.ntu.edu.tw/db/new2011/index.asp?l=english
Basics in Theoretical EcologyI open several related courses. Please visit our lab website for more detailed info on how to choose my lectures based on your preference.
This is a basic course intended for senior undergraduate and graduate students with knowledge of basic biology. Students who are interested in any fields in ecosystem sciences (e.g. ecology, microbial biology, oceanography, and conservation biology) are all welcome. The background for advanced mathematics is not presumed. We will learn basic mathematical methods for analyzing ecological systems with one-species, two-species, and more species. Statistics and computer programming are beyond our focus. The course is designed for hand-on work. We just need ?gpaper-and-pencil?h for learning how to think quantitatively about populations and communities. If necessary, we will also use well-developed software but we do not need skills in computer programming. There will be dedicated time every week for students to do ?gpaper-and-pencil?h exercise. The topics may include:
1. Introduction to theoretical ecology
2. Exponential and logistic population growth
3. Competitive interaction
4. Resource-consumer dynamics
5. Community dynamics and material fluxes
6. Population dynamics in space
7. Community dynamics in space
8. Matrix models for populations and communities
9. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
10. Introduction to numerical calculations
11. Practice for developing a new model The objectives is to provide students with mathematical skills for dynamical modeling of populations and communities, which are necessary for mechanistic and quantitative understanding of complexity in ecological systems. College of Science Main Campus Takeshi Miki 25 Thursday 2,3,4 Ocean5054 3 Half Graduate Institute of Oceanography, Marine Biology & Fisheries Division,
Introductory Course of Marine Science http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en