Information Visualization

Information can be abstract and needs to be processed so that messages are converted to things that make sense to the receivers. Utilizing various digital tools to visualize information helps us deliver information to our target audience in an intuitive and efficient way.

This course provides an overview about the state of the art in information visualization. The course highlights the principles of producing effective visualizations and introduces practical visualization procedures, including how to visualize information with software and digital tools such as the R package , Tableau, and Google fusion tables.

Specific topics include:

1. The history and background of information visualization;

2. Design principles of information visualization;

3. Data analysis methods and hands-on applications of visualization techniques;

4. Interface design issues in information visualization;

5. Future trends in information visualization.

The course will be delivered through a combination of lectures, presentations, class activities, and discussions.
This course aims to provide students with knowledge of how to effectively visualize information and hands-on experience in visualizing different types of information. The ultimate goal of this course is to provide non-technical students with tools to process, visualize, and analyze information of their own interests (e.g., data collected for their theses).

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Describe the principles of information visualization;

2. Use data analysis methods and visualization tools, such as R, to manage and analyze abstract information;

3. Identify interface design issues in visualization;

4. Apply visualization techniques to specific domains of their own interests.

College of Liberal Arts Main Campus Tien-I Tsai 30 Tuesday 2,3,4 LIS5079 3 Half Department of Library and Information Science,
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science,
Program For Knowledge Management

English Oral Training(Ⅰ)(1)

English Oral Training I (1) aims to develop studentss’ speaking accuracy and fluency on a range of discussion topics/ issues. Students will learn to be effective leaders and participants through various speaking activities. Specifically, students will engage in forms of communicative activities, such as interviews, games, Q & A session, presentation, and role-play. By the end of the course, students will be able to (1) employ effective discussion principles in a given setting; (2) develop practical discussion strategies on a certain topic; (3) lead and participate in classroom discussions; (4) give and discuss their opinions, and (5) express themselves confidently in their academic/professional communities.

College of Liberal Arts Main Campus *Majors-only (including minor and double major students). Chi-Chih Tseng,Mou-Lan Wong,Davies Witton,Ruey-Szu Wang 20 Monday 6,7 Thursday 6 FL1021 2 Full Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

English Oral Training(Ⅱ)(1)

This course is designed to offer an environment favorable for developing studentss’ communicative competence in the target language, viz., English. Towards this end, it provides various communicative activities in which students would need to speak strategically to achieve different purposes in realistic situations; additionally, it offers optimal opportunities for students to plan and deliver individual presentations as well as to organize and participate in formal debates. Three objectives are established for this yearlong course. Upon completion, students can expect to have developed the skills necessary:

(1) to interact with ease with interlocutors, listeners, and audiences, change elements of their presentation (such as the level of formality or abstraction) if those elements seem to be pitched wrongly, and deal with questions and other forms of feedback from their listeners,

(2) to give accounts of complex issues of current societal and academic importance, and

(3) to verbalize well-informed opinions on such issues, sustained by arguments and evidence that are the results of thoughtful engagement and relevant research.

College of Liberal Arts Main Campus *Prerequisite: English Oral Training (Ⅰ)(2)
*Majors-only (including minor and double major students). Heng-Tsung Danny Huang,Judy Wai-Kei Kwong,Chi-Chih Tseng,Davies Witton,Chi-Chih Tseng,Ann-Marie Hadzima,Heng-Tsung Danny Huang,Shao-Ting Alan Hung 18 Tuesday 6,7 FL2011 2 Full Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Business English

This Business English course gives students an insight of the business world by exposing them to knowledge of the English language skills necessary to succeed. With English being the language of international communication, students will be trained to communicate in English, both written and oral, effectively to be globally competitive. In order for students to benefit from this course, they should have at least an intermediate level of English in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Materials are carefully designed to present English language usage in a variety of contexts, including conducting meetings, negotiations, presentations, and work abroad. Practicing simulated business situations through role-play and discussions, students will gain a comprehensive business vocabulary by interacting with their co-workers, bosses, clients, or other business acquaintances. Business knowledge is not explicitly taught but is introduced along the way allowing students to learn by doing.

This course does not provide business education but aims to share tacit knowledge that allows students to develop their English skills for use in a business context. In other words, this course introduces business etiquette that helps students to survive well and ultimately succeed in the real working world regardless of their current major and intended future career.

In addition, students will be learning written and spoken business idioms through peer teaching. The purpose of this kind of activity is to allow students to realize for themselves that they do not only learn from authority figures. In todays flat world, knowledge can be gained through peers or even subordinates.

Much class time will be devoted to student-led activities allowing students to speak up in a controlled, business-like yet relaxed atmosphere. Materials will first be introduced for the general context before being framed for business situations. In and outside of class, students will have the opportunity to work individually; they will also work in groups to develop the concept of teamwork and justify the significance of team spirit to boosting productivity. College of Liberal Arts Main Campus Judy Wai-Kei Kwong 16 Tuesday 5,6 FL3030 2 Half Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

English in Philosophical Works

Bertand Russell (1872-1970) was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century and an excellent writer. He wrote on philosophy of mathematics as well as on political and social issues. His book The Problems of Philosophy is a short and introductory book to problems of philosophy of knowledge, mainly from British empiricist points of view. It appeared in 1912 and became a bestseller. It is still in print today. On about 160 pages, Russell discusses the nature of appearance and reality, matter, idealism, induction, a priori knowledge, universals, intuition, truth and falsehood, opinion, and the limits and value of philosophy in general. As the book consists of 15 short chapters of about ten pages each, we will more or less follow this division, covering about ten pages per week. This course does not only provide a chance to learn something in philosophy but also to learn and enjoy good English. Bertrand Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950. The course objective is to learn how to read a classical philosophical text in English, how to summarize the main points, and how to discuss them in writing and in speech. College of Liberal Arts Shuiyuan Campus Christian Helmut Wenzel 40 Monday 3,4,5 Phl2059 3 Half Department of Philosophy

Research Methodology and Academic Writing (Ⅰ)

This course is designed to improve the English ability of the students through reading and writing.
1. To enhance students’ English reading skills
2. To improve students’ Writing skills
3. To engage students in intellectual debate and critical thinking
College of Liberal Arts Main Campus *Majors-only (including minor and double major students).
*Restrict to graduate students. Guy Beauregard,Duncan Chesney 8 Monday 2,3,4 FL7201 3 Half Graduate Institute of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Special Topics in Equine Reproduction

To discuss matters related to equine reproduction, not available in the regular courses offered by the Graduate Program in Animal Reproduction, with the participation of professors, researchers and professionals from other national and international institutions. To address current and relevant subjects in the field of equine reproduction, offering student the opportunity to engage in discussions and establish collaborations with professors, researchers and invited professionals. School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ) São Paulo main campus Program content addresses the field of equine reproduction, including reproductive physiology, management, pathology, biotechnology and obstetrics. This will more precisely defined by the visitor professor, researcher and professional expertise. Claudia Barbosa Fernandes 25 VRA5752 1 Participation concepts.

Fundamentals of Multimedia

Many society areas use computational applications in order to manipulate different media types, in a integrated fashion or not. The information volume generated by those applications and the need for inter-media synchronization make necessary to use coding techniques as well as standards to guarantee efficiency and interoperability. The knowledge about those techniques and standards are essential for graduated students develop research in the Multimedia area. The goal of this course is to present multimedia fundamentals, approaching important issues regarding different media types and coding methods. It is also in the scope to analyze features and limitations of available tools, applications and systems. After the course we expect the student to be capable to discuss recent related research topics. Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC) São Carlos campus Mutimedia definition. Introduction to digitization. Compression of different media types. Basic compression techniques. Spatial and temporal coding.Standards. Multimedia segmentation and adaptation. Multimedia authoring. Maria da Gra_a Campos Pimentel, Rudinei Goularte, Marcelo Garcia Manzato 30 SCC5909 7 The final grade will be obtained calculating a weighted average among exams, projects and seminars.

Human-computer Interaction I: Fundamentals

Interactive systems are present in the daily lives of individuals who make explicit or implicit use of a variety of computing devices. This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the key concepts, techniques and methods that can be used in the design and evaluation of such systems. The course aims at presenting the fundamental concepts, techniques and methods for the design, development and evaluation of interactive systems. Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC) São Carlos campus Interaction design. User experience. Conceptual models. Metaphors. Paradigms. Cognitive, social and emotional aspects. Interface types. Natural interfaces. Interfaces for mobile devices. Techniques for identification and analysis requirements. Design, prototyping and construction. Agile UX. Design patterns. Avalia__o: inspection techniques and usability testing. Maria da Gra_a Campos Pimentel 30 SCC5912 8 The complementary course “Human-computer Interaction II: practice” allows students to develop a project while applying the concepts tackled in this course. Weighted average among exams, seminars and practical work.

Natural and Artificial Vision

The topics covered in this course are of great importance and modernity regarding both biological vision as well as image processing and artificial vision. The integrated approach uses parallels between biological and computational systems, which is seldom covered in graduate courses in Brazil. Familiarization with intermediate and advanced concepts in the areas of natural and artificial vision. With respect to natural vision, we cover the anatomic organization of the visual system is presented, its physiology (special attention given to receptive fields), as well as aspects of neuroscience and psychology of vision. Regarding artificial vision, we present correlated aspects such as visual information processing in linear and non-linear systems, curvature and thinning methods, as well as pattern recognition using supervised and non-supervised approaches. S_o Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC) São Carlos campus Part I: natural vision systems. 1. primitive natural vision systems (insects, arthropods, molluscs, etc). 2. advanced natural vision systems (including respective mathematic-computational modelling) 2.1. neuronal processing, principles of formation and propagation of stimulii in neutrons, respective modeling. 2.2. basic processing, retinal processing, lateral geniculate nucleous, receptive fields, superior colliculus, motor control. 2.3. visual cortex processing (neurophysiology, types of cells, modular organization in bands an pinwheels, visual cortex modelling through Hough transform). 2.4. processing in higher level cerebral structures (memory, inference, language, attention), modelling multiple stage integration. Part II: artificial vision systems (including basic principles, algorithms and implementation in sequential and parallel hardware) 1. integration between natural and artificial vision 1.1. principles of cybernetics 1.2. D. Marr�fs proposal 1.3. geometric quantized elements 2. neuronal networks for pattern recognition 2.1. perceptrons 2.2. networks based on the Hough transform 3. signal processing techinques (basic level vision) 3.1. autocorrelation and convolution 3.2. filters 3.3. the two dimensional Fourier transform 3.4. wavelet transforms 4. mathematic-computationa techniques for intermediatee vision 4.1. mathematical morphology: Minkowski�fs algebra 4.2. the Hough transform 4.3. segmentation techniques 4.4. data structures for representation of visual information 4.5. estimation of tangent fields and multi scale curvature 4.6. multiscale skeletons 5. computational models for high level vision 5.1. object oriented systems 5.2. databases and knowledge 5.3. artificial intelligence models 5.4. automatic knowledge acquisition. Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Odemir Martinez Bruno 25 SFI5818 15 Two written and a substitutive written examinations. Several practical projects and seminars.

Non-Abelian Gauge Theories and Solitons

It is very importante nowadays that theoretical and also experimental physicists have a reasonable knowledge about the field theories that describe the fundamental interactions of Nature. Those theories find applications in practically all areas of Physics. To give the students a solid education about the structure of abelian and non-abelian gauge theories that describe the fundamental interations of Nature, like Electrodynamics and the Weak and Strong nuclear interactions. S_o Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC) São Carlos campus 1. Introduction to gauge theories 2. Non-abelian gauge theories 3. The self-dual sector – instantons 4. Spontaneous symmetry breaking 5. Goldstone’s theorem 6. Higgs Mechanism: little group and mass formulas 7. Classical solutions: Magnetic monopoles, dyons and vortices 8. Bogomolny equation and BPS monopoles 9. Solitons and electromagnetic duality 10. Supersymmetric gauge theories Luiz Agostinho Ferreira, Betti Hartman 20 SFI5876 10 Written tests and exercise lists.

Riemannian Geometry

Riemannian Geometry is a basic course for any graduate student in Mathematics who wants to study Geometry, Topology or Dynamic Systems, and is also a relevant course for students of Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Provide to the student the basic tools and some fundamental results of Riemannian Geometry. Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC) São Carlos campus Program: Riemannian metrics; Connections; Completeness; Curvature; Isometric immersions; Variational calculus; Applications. Detailed program: (1) Riemannian metrics; Examples of Riemannian manifolds: the Euclidean space R^n, the sphere S^n, the real hyperbolic space H^n, product of Riemannian manifolds, conformal metrics, Riemannian coverings, flat tori, the Klein bottle, Riemannian submersions, the Hopf fibration and the complex projective space, quotient manifolds, Lie groups. (2) Connections; Parallel transport along a curve; Geodesics; Isometries and Killings vector fields; Induced connections. (3) Completeness; The Hopf-Rinow theorem; Cut locus, Examples. (4) The Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor; The Ricci tensor and scalar curvature; Covariant derivative of tensors; Examples. (5) Isometric immersions; The second fundamental form; The fundamental equations. (6) Variational calculus; The energy functional; Jacobi vector fields; Conjugate points; Examples. (7) Space forms; The Synge theorem; The Bonnet-Myers theorem; Nonpositively curved manifolds. Fernando Manfio, Irene Ignazia Onnis 35 SMA5947 8 Two written tests.