English Composition(Ⅲ) (1)

English Composition III trains students to summarize, report, criticize, and conduct research. During the first term, students are trained to summarize and paraphrase as they learn to incorporate outside sources into their papers. They learn to use reported material without plagiarizing and to incorporate ideas from outside sources to support and prove a thesis. Students are also given the opportunity to do critical writing with an emphasis on general principles of logic and argumentation. They are encouraged to investigate the soundness of a conclusion, the validity of a judgment, the value of a short story. Four papers of around 3-5 pages constitute the main substance of the first semester, culminating in 10-page mini-research piece. The goal of the course is for students to achieve high-level competence in writing English prose and critical assessments of academic and other material.

The specific goal of this section of Composition 3, as a year-long course, is to prepare students for applications to (and performance in) master’s programs in humanities and social science fields as regards English language proficiency, logical argumentation, and research skills.
College of Liberal Arts Main Campus *Prerequisite: English Composition (Ⅱ)(2)
*Majors-only (including minor and double major students). Duncan Chesney 13 Thursday 2,3,4 FL3009 2 Full Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?lang=en

European Literature Since 1800

Continuation of the survey of European literature from the cusp of Romanticism through Modernism, focusing on key literary texts, supplemented with other cultural material (from philosophy, the sister arts, and so forth…)

To familiarize DFLL students with key non-Anglophone European literary texts from the “long” 19th century as crucial to an understanding of the contemporary British and American texts in their other courses, and as recent prehistory of the present.

The objective of this course is to familiarize students with major authors and trends in Continental European literature after 1800. College of Liberal Arts Main Campus *Majors-only (including minor and double major students). Duncan Chesney 40 Friday 2,3,4 FL2006 3 Half Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, European Studies Program http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?lang=en

Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Lecture

The interdisciplinary neuroscience lecture course is designed to provide graduate students with an opportunity to broaden their visions by learning the lectures from the World’s top scholars whose works contribute to the emerging field from the life sciences, physical sciences, and applied sciences and to promote their knowledge in multidisciplinary science fields.


1.TIGP-Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Lecture (1 credit per semester; students must complete a total of 2 credits within the first year)

2.Graduate students in the TIGP-INS program have to select at least 8 lectures (per semester) provided by Academia Sinica or NYMU/NCKU/NTU (various Institutes or Departments).

To broaden their visions by learning the lectures from the World’s top scholars whose works contribute to the emerging field from the life sciences, physical sciences, and applied sciences

To promote students’ knowledge in multidisciplinary science fields. College of Life Science Chen Tung Yen 10 TIPGIN8004 1 Half Taiwan International Graduate Program In Interdisciplinary Neuroscience http://ecology.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw/english/index.htm

Introduction of Research Techniques in Neuroscience

Daunting and versatile techniques have been developed and employed in neuroscience researches to explore how nerve systems work and, in some cases, get pathogenesis. The prerequisite of working on neuroscience researches then is to understand how these methodologies work.

This lecture introduces the concept, theory and applications of current neuroscience techniques- ranging from basic to advanced- used to address questions covering genes, molecules, cellular pathology, brain function and animal behaviors.
To understand the concept, theory of current neuroscience techniques.

Be able to design experiment using these techniques to address questions covering genes, molecules, cellular pathology, brain function and animal behaviors.

College of Life Science Yun-Ru Chen 20 TIPGIN8005 2 Half Geno and System Biology Degree Program, Taiwan International Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience http://ecology.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw/english/index.htm

Freshman Seminar

Like it Taida

This course is designed primarily for first-year foreign students although it also opens to interested local students to experience Taiwanese culture together. This lecture opens with a self-introduction and group assignment. Students then will be divided into a group of five, one local plus four foreign, to visit different locations every other week starting March 14. The point of interests may include but not limited to night markets, temples, memorial halls, NTU museums, handcraft and cultural centers, ecoparks, and historic relicts in Daan district. Each group needs to send their reports to the instructor three days prior to the five-minute presentation in the next meeting. The instructor will then summarize and conclude the reports in the second-hour lecture.
1. Help international students to mix and mingle with local students through the collaborate projects.

2. Guide international students how to utilize all available resources to enrich their college lives.

3. Encourage students to freely explore themselves, developing critical thinking, time management skills, and expressing abilities.

Center for General Education Main Campus *Restrict to freshmen and international students. Shun-Chern Tsaur 17 Monday A,B GenEdu1000 2 Half Common Education Section http://cge.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en

English Writing for Academic Purposes

This is the AWEC writing course you want if you want to learn how to write a professional scientific or academic journal article.

The course is open to all disciplines: Applied Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, and the Humanities. Using structural and linguistic approaches, you will explore how to write a published article for a journal.

The course provides you with the essential knowledge of the STYLES of academic articles.

The goal of the course is to make you the MASTER of your writing.

Academic Writing Education Center Main Campus *Restrict to graduate students. Marc Anthony 17 Thursday 5,6,7 Write7010 3 Half Ntu Academic Writing Education Center http://www.awec.ntu.edu.tw/eng/eng_index.html ; ntuawec@ntu.edu.tw

English Presentations for Academic Purposes

This is the AWEC course you need if you want to improve your academic or professional presentation skills. Whether you are a beginner or experienced in presenting, this course helps you accumulate a “tool box” of strategies, techniques and language devices that can enhance your ability to be a “conspicuous” presenter. This course is appropriate for all disciplines: Applied and Social Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Medicine and other academic disciplines, as well as people preparing for or working in professional areas.

This course emphasizes how to deliver a memorable, professional presentation to meet your audience’s needs and purposes. The course is conducted in English, in a semi-workshop style, with lots of small group feedback and learner-centered activities. As presenters, you will create and deliver three presentations during the course. Academic Writing Education Center Main Campus *Restrict to graduate students. Marc Anthony 20 Monday 3,4,5 Write7011 3 Half Ntu Academic Writing Education Center http://www.awec.ntu.edu.tw/eng/eng_index.html ; ntuawec@ntu.edu.tw

Introduction to English Presentations

This is a new course for undergraduates only, who want to learn the basics of good oral presentation for their future academic and professional careers. Students will learn how to structure and communicate in different presentation modes: Making Introductions, Describing Phenomena, Comparing Phenomena, Demonstrating, Persuading, Recommending, Concluding.

You will be required to prepare and deliver FOUR English presentations during this course. Academic Writing Education Center Main Campus Marc Anthony 80 Friday 3,4,5 Write5020 3 Half Ntu Academic Writing Education Center http://www.awec.ntu.edu.tw/eng/eng_index.html ; ntuawec@ntu.edu.tw

Introduction to Western Literature (Ⅰ)

This course firstly introduces the Hebrew Bible to explore the ancient Hebrew culture and the relationship between man and God. Then we enter the world of the Greek Mythology by reading Homer’s epics: Iliad and Odyssey. Following the Trojan legend, we read Virgil’s Aeneid to explore how the Romans created their national epic based on the story of Troy. Each of these works will be read closely, analyzed carefully, and discussed with its own cultural and historical context. We will proceed mainly in two forms: lectures and small group discussions. Every week, students are expected to finish reading materials and post response on the forum in the class website. In the beginning of each class, we will have a 5-minute quiz. Finally, students are required to make a short oral group presentation (10 minutes) in class. This course is designed as a survey course which encompasses major prose and poetry of western writers from the Hebrew Bible to Virgil’s Aeneid. By focusing on these canonical works, this course aims to lead students to explore the beginning of human civilization, ancient cultures, and important classical legends. At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand important ideas in ancient, classical, and medieval literatures and cultures.
2. Analyze important themes and motives in these literary works.
3. Get familiar with the Hebrew, Greek, and Roman traditions.
College of Liberal Arts Main Campus *Majors-only (including minor and double major students). Michael Mcglynn 70 Thursday 2,3,4 FL1015 3 Half Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?lang=en

Law of the World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization (WTO) serves as the only and the most important multilateral institution addressing the rules of trade between nations. In todays globalized world, as trade increases and regional market integration deepens, legal issues of international economic relations are becoming more and more complicated. The issues facing the WTO are widening and go beyond a purely trade dimension. It might reach cross-cutting issues on foreign investment,
environment, food safety, disease control, public moral, culture protection and human right. It is of immense importance for law students to have some broad understanding about WTO laws so as to know the essence of globalization and economic integration. The basic knowledge of WTO is also useful for understanding other fields of law, such as
intellectual property law, service related laws (financial regulations, telecommunication laws, among others), international health law, and public international law. This course will be conducted in English.

Main topic to be discussed:

1. The WTO: History and structure

2. WTO Dispute Settlement

3. Tariffs

4. Quantitative Restrictions

5. National Treatment

6. Most-Favored-Nation Treatment

7. Regional Trade Agreements

8. General Exceptions: GATT Article XX

9. Dumping and Antidumping

10. Subsidies and Countervailing Duties

11. Safeguards

12. Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

13. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade

14. Trade in Services

15. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

The course is designed to cover the fundamental aspects of the WTO law so that participants will be equipped with basic WTO law knowledge and skills. College of Law Main Campus *Restrict to 3rd-year and above. Tsai-Yu Lin 50 Wednesday 3,4 LAW5139 2 Half Graduate Institute of Law http://www.law.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?site_id=1

Techniques in Neurobiology

The summer training camp is an intensive collaborative lab course held once every year. This year this course will take in about 22 students, mostly incoming graduate students from participating PIs lab, but also highly motivated undergraduates. The course will run from August 5th to Aug 29th, 5 days a week, and >8 hr a day. Final presentation will be held on September 4. By the end of the course, the students not only will know their fellow students very well, they will also lean some of the current neurobiology techniques. In the first week, basic neuroscience techniques, such as perfusion, gross anatomy of the brain, stereotaxic surgery techniques, frozen section, Nissl stain, immunohistochemistry of the brain sections, neuronal culture, and behavior methods will be taught. After this preparatory week, the following weeks will be divided into rotations, in 3-day blocks. There will be 4 rotations. In each station, one or two PI will be in charge. In these stations, there will be labs for calcium and voltage imaging of the culture cell, cellular electrophysiology, field potential recording in the brain slice, extracellular multiple single unit, EMG and EEG recording in free moving rats, and functional brain imaging with animal PET and MRI. Hand-on experiments will be emphasized throughout. The summer training camp is an intensive collaborative lab course held once every year. By the end of the course, the students will know the available neurobiology techniques by heart. College of Life Science Chen Tung Yen 15 LS7025 3 Half Institute of Lifescience, Program of Neurobiology and Cognitive Science http://www.lis.ntu.edu.tw/en

Early Developmental Embryology

Embryology is an old but fascinating subject. From the morphological

observation of chick embryo development to the unravel of the molecular

control of embryonic development in a variety of organisms, we have gone a

long way. However, the more we learn the less we know. It is a miracle to see

how a single cell develop into a fully functional adult. This course is design

to build the ground for students with interest in embryology. We will discuss

the basic principles and molecular controls of embryonic development. In

particular, we will emphasize the progression from immature gametes,

fertilization, cleavage to gastrulation (i.e. the formation of gut). The cell

fate and embryonic axis formation will also be included. The popular

experimental models used by current developmental biologist will also be

examined in detail.

1. Learn the developmental processes, regulatory mechanisms during embryogenesis.

2. Expose to developmental biology research by paper discussion

3. Stimulate scientific thinking by fomulating a proposal

College of Life Science Main Campus *Restrict to 3rd-year and above. Shyh Jye Lee 15 Monday 3,4 LS5019 2 Half Department of Lifescience, Institute of Lifescience, Teaching Programme of Stem Cell and Regenerative Bio-Medicine http://www.lis.ntu.edu.tw/en