Molecular Biology Applied to Animal Embryology Study Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics of Toxoplasma gondii using Multiplex PCR-RFLP and Whole Genome Sequence Analysis

The development of molecular biology revolutionized the way investigators conduct research. Techniques such as polymerase chain reaction, sequencing, gene knockdown and others became routine tools for researchers on molecular biology field. However, researchers from other areas may be not familiarized with such techniques. Considering the importance these techniques for science development is mandatory that the students from the graduate program in Anatomy have a minimal knowledge on molecular biology, allowing them to interpret publications with molecular data and to consider multiple approaches while developing their own research projects. Provide to graduate students: theoretical and practical concepts on molecular biology techniques, with emphasis on mammalian development applications; knowledge to interpret the results generated by molecular biology assays; a critical view of molecular biology techniques that can be used in scientific investigation, development of the necessary skills to use molecular biology and to critically analyze publications with molecular data. School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ) São Paulo main campus Essentials of molecular biology, nucleic acids extraction, polymerase chain reaction, restriction fragment length polymorphism, nucleic acid sequencing, real time PCR, high resolution melting, microarrays, genotyping, western blot, transgenesis and gene silencing. 25 VPS5745 4 Students will be assessed through participation in classes and the presentation of papers.

Endocrinological aspects of follicular development and ovulation

The knowledge within the animal reproduction context is new. Still, there are enormous possibilities to apply the reproductive biotechnologies using controlled follicular development and ovulation in the field. And it is noteworthy that the Department of Animal Reproduction has a line of research related to the theme which is coordinated by the professors who are proposing this course. Study in detail the endocrinological aspects of follicular development and ovulation empathizing the employment of the synchronization biotechnology for timed reproductive programs. The objective is also to develop in the graduate the capacity of critical analysis of issues related to the theme. School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ) São Paulo main campus 1- Physiology and endocrinology of follicular development; 2 – Follicular dynamics during reproductive life; 3 – Basics of ultrasound applied to follicular dynamics; 4 – Theories of the pharmacological control of the estrous cycle and ovulation; 5 – Hormone therapy; 6 – Anestrus; 7 _ Protocols to synchronize the follicular growth and ovulation; 8 – Possibilities to use the fixed-time artificial insemination in the field; 9 – Efficiency of the synchronization protocols for superovulation and fixed-time embryo transfer. Ed Hoffmann Madureira, Pietro Sampaio Baruselli 30 VRA5741 4 The evaluation is carried out at the end of the course with the presentation of seminars related to the content.

Fundamentals of Multimedia

Many society areas use computational applications in order to manipulate different media types, in a integrated fashion or not. The information volume generated by those applications and the need for inter-media synchronization make necessary to use coding techniques as well as standards to guarantee efficiency and interoperability. The knowledge about those techniques and standards are essential for graduated students develop research in the Multimedia area. The goal of this course is to present multimedia fundamentals, approaching important issues regarding different media types and coding methods. It is also in the scope to analyze features and limitations of available tools, applications and systems. After the course we expect the student to be capable to discuss recent related research topics. Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC) São Carlos campus Mutimedia definition. Introduction to digitization. Compression of different media types. Basic compression techniques. Spatial and temporal coding.Standards. Multimedia segmentation and adaptation. Multimedia authoring. Maria da Gra_a Campos Pimentel, Rudinei Goularte, Marcelo Garcia Manzato 30 SCC5909 7 The final grade will be obtained calculating a weighted average among exams, projects and seminars.

Study of mother-infant interaction in an ethological approach: theoretical and practical aspects.

The initial mother-baby/infant is a subject of research interest of all areas in Psychology and its importance for the development of the infant and for the attachment bond is consensus among Ethologists. The ethological approach offers an important theoretical contributions to the study of these early exchanges and methodological contributions through methods of direct observation of different aspects of this relationship. In addition, learn to use modern tools, used by Behavioral researchers around the world, will be of great value to students with research interests centered on social relations, and specifically on the mother-baby/infant relationship. To present the ethological approach to study of the early mother-infant interactions, focusing on the contribution of researches with non-human primates and, in a broader perspective, compared to the maternal care in humans. The discipline will also have practical classes, in which the students will learn about methods of investigating the mother-infant interactions through direct observation, especially videotape data, ant to use modern software of video analysis (Observe XT) to quantify and measure diverse aspects of mother-infant interaction. It is expected that in the end of the course, students can be able to plan and conduct a research in this area. Institute of Psychology (IP) São Paulo main campus Mother-infant interactions in an ethological perspective: historical bases and contributions from comparative approach; Parental investment, maternal styles of care, attachment, and parent-offspring conflict; Mother-infant initial interactions and their implications for the attachment bound and infant’s development; Proximate and ultimate causes of variation in maternal care; Models of parental practices in humans; Methods of observation to investigate mother-infant interactions; Process of design and conducting investigation on social interactions though direct observation; Introduction to software tools to encode and measure observational data in video (Observer). Michele Pereira Verderane 22 PSE5942 8 Participation in class, oral presentation, and written report.

Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I

The course “Advanced Topics” is mandatory for graduate students of the Program in Biological Sciences-Biochemistry. Lecturers, who are Brazilian and foreign researchers, will present their recent research results and projects in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This course is presented every semester. Along this course, graduate students in be in contact with recent advances and projects in a free discussion situation, so they should develop an analytical viewpoint of the lectures and topics discussed. This course aims to present a broad view of research projects, recent advances and methodologies in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Institute of Chemistry (IQ) São Paulo main campus Students enrolled in this course should be familiar with the content of textbooks as Biochemistry (Voet & Voet), Principles of Biochemistry (Lehninger) and Genes (B. Lewin). Topics will be focused in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and they will be determined by the lecturers. Topics will include recent advances and research projects, approaches and methodologies, experimental results and published manuscripts. F_bio Lu_s Forti, Roberto Kopke Salinas, Alexandre Bruni Cardoso 60 QBQ5759 2 Students should present at least one written question to the speaker.

Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II

The course “Advanced Topics” is mandatory for graduate students of the Program in Biological Sciences-Biochemistry. Lecturers, who are Brazilian and foreign researchers, will present their recent research results and projects in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This course is presented every semester. Along this course, graduate students in be in contact with recent advances and projects in a free discussion situation, so they should develop an analytical viewpoint of the lectures and topics discussed. This course aims to present a broad view of research projects, recent advances and methodologies in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Institute of Chemistry (IQ) São Paulo main campus Students enrolled in this course should be familiar with the content of textbooks as Biochemistry (Voet & Voet), Principles of Biochemistry (Lehninger) and Genes (B. Lewin). Topics will be focused in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and they will be determined by the lecturers. Topics will include recent advances and research projects, approaches and methodologies, experimental results and published manuscripts. F_bio Lu_s Forti, Roberto Kopke Salinas, Alexandre Bruni Cardoso 60 QBQ5764 2 Students should present at least one written question to the speaker.

Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology III

The course “Advanced Topics” is mandatory for graduate students of the Program in Biological Sciences-Biochemistry. Lecturers, who are Brazilian and foreign researchers, will present their recent research results and projects in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This course is presented every semester. Along this course, graduate students in be in contact with recent advances and projects in a free discussion situation, so they should develop an analytical viewpoint of the lectures and topics discussed. This course aims to present a broad view of research projects, recent advances and methodologies in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Institute of Chemistry (IQ) São Paulo main campus Students enrolled in this course should be familiar with the content of textbooks as Biochemistry (Voet & Voet), Principles of Biochemistry (Lehninger) and Genes (B. Lewin). Topics will be focused in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and they will be determined by the lecturers. Topics will include recent advances and research projects, approaches and methodologies, experimental results and published manuscripts. F_bio Lu_s Forti, Roberto Kopke Salinas, Alexandre Bruni Cardoso 60 QBQ5765 2 Students should present at least one written question to the speaker.

Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology IV

The course “Advanced Topics”
Is mandatory for graduate students of the Program in Biological Sciences-Biochemistry. Lecturers, who are Brazilian and foreign researchers, will present their recent research results and projects in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This course is presented every semester. Along this course, graduate students in be in contact with recent advances and projects in a free discussion situation, so they should develop an analytical viewpoint of the lectures and topics discussed. This course aims to present a broad view of research projects, recent advances and methodologies in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Institute of Chemistry (IQ) São Paulo main campus Students enrolled in this course should be familiar with the content of textbooks as Biochemistry (Voet & Voet), Principles of Biochemistry (Lehninger) and Genes (B. Lewin). Topics will be focused in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and they will be determined by the lecturers. Topics will include recent advances and research projects, approaches and methodologies, experimental results and published manuscripts. F_bio Lu_s Forti, Roberto Kopke Salinas, Alexandre Bruni Cardoso 60 QBQ5766 2 Students should present at least one written question to the speaker.

Negotiation and Labour Regulation in a Global Economy

The main aim of the course is the presentation and discussion of the negotiation process and the different existing visions about it, highlighting their importance in the companies’ decisions. The course also intends to develop the analytical reasoning trough the analysis of various negotiation models and their corresponding critical capacity; showing how this analytical knowledge can be used in a productive way and in interaction with this kind of problems in corporative daily basis, in the process in which the manager seeks results through interaction with people; present different typologies based on psychological profiles, negotiation styles and management roles, showing their importance in the negotiation and conflict resolution activities; analyze the diverse approaches of negotiation in terms of the systematicity of their visions and moving towards a systemic view in the negotiation.
Enable the student to see the negotiation process in a systemic way, using the techniques and the personal abilities in the different negotiation processes. School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeir_o Preto (FEARP) Ribeirão Preto campus Class presentation Discussion of the course program Negotiation concepts Negotiation process – time, power and information Negotiation and conflict resolution Negotiation and ethics Practical examples of negotiation Negotiations in a globalized context Cultural conditioning of the negotiation process Negotiation with other cultures International negotiation Systemic view in the negotiation Final presentation of the papers Course and group assessments Test Dante Pinheiro Martinelli 20 RAD5060 6 Paper-40%; Participation in class-30%; Test-30% – Teaching Strategies Lectures; Presentation of seminars; Individual presentation of the student

Writing your Manuscript

This course has the objective of teaching postgraduate students to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, authorship, plagiarism. At the end, the students should delivery a short paper for peer review. This step is essential for the final evaluation. To learn about how to write an effective manuscript during the postgraduate course can help the students to report adequately your scientific results. Additionally, the program and the mentors could be benefited. Ribeir_o Preto Medical School (FMRP) Ribeirão Preto campus – Scientific project approved by Ethical Committee – Data explored/analyzed (at least partially) – Fluency in English – Personal computer (notebook) – operacional systems Linus, OS, Windows – Softwares installed: text editor (suggestion: Word_ or Pages_), reference manager (suggestion: Endnote_). – Introduction, the importance of a good writing divulgation – Good relationship with a text editor – Principles of effective writing – Crafting better sentences and paragraphs – Organization; and streamlining the writing process – The format of an original manuscript – Reviews, commentaries, and opinion pieces; and the publication process – Issues in scientific writing (plagiarism, authorship, ghostwriting, reproducible research) – How to do a peer review Om_ro Benedicto Poli N_tto 25 RGO5865 6 How much of a time commitment will this course be? – You should expect this course to require 4 to 8 hours of work per week. Any additional textbooks/software required? – There is no textbook for this course. PRESENCE: 91-100%: excellent, grade A; 81-90%: above average, grade B 71-80%: satisfactory, grade C; below 70%: unsatisfactory, grade D TASKS DELIVERED ON TIME*: All of them (5/5): excellent, grade A; 80% (4/5): above average, grade B 60% (3/5): satisfactory, grade C; below 40% (2/5): unsatisfactory, grade D * Tasks will be accepted only until to one week after. * If any task is not sent at this time (one week after), the grade will be decreased by “D” level. * Presence and tasks delivered on time will be compound as “Participation”: A+A=A; A+B=A; B+A=A;B+B=B; B+C=B; C+B=B; C+C=C; C+D=D; D+C=D; D+D=D. If D, the student will not be automatically reproved in the course. FINAL REPORT: graded from zero to ten by average grade among teacher and peer review (made by two colleagues). FINAL GRADE: It will be equal to �gFinal report�h x 100% if �gParticipation�h=A or 85% if �gParticipation”=B or 70% if �gParticipation�h=C. ATTENTION: Final grade will not be attributed if �gParticipation”=D. IMPORTANT: If any sign of plagiarism is detected, the student will have one additional week to sent a new version of the final work and will have the final grade decreased in 20%._

Immunotherapies and cellular therapies: concepts and applications

Currently, immunotherapy is an important therapeutic approach for the treatment of several diseases. In this context, this discipline is justified by addressing the current state and new perspectives of immunotherapies and advanced cellular therapies, making a connection between basic concepts and possible preclinical and clinical applications. Immunotherapy for cancer treatment is currently the most promising therapy in view of its selectivity, curative potential and low toxicity. This type of therapy has been described as the major scientific event of 2013 by the journal Science with emphasis on therapies with monoclonal antibodies (anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD1) and genetically modified chimeric antigen receptor T cells (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells, CAR T cells), which were able to induce potent antitumor response. In addition, this course enables interaction with professors and researchers from our and other research institutions, which develop works in this area of knowledge and present significant scientific and/or technological contribution in the field. The objective of this course is to introduce concepts about immunotherapies and cell therapies, as well as to discuss their application in the treatment of several types of diseases (hematological neoplasms, solid tumors, inflammatory diseases and immuno-mediated diseases.) In this context, immunotherapies already well established in the clinical context as well as innovative and advanced therapies using, for example, multipotent stem cells and genetically modified T cells. In addition, biotechnological advances in the areas of immunotherapy and cell therapy will be addressed. Ribeir_o Preto Medical School (FMRP) Ribeirão Preto campus The course will be taught through lectures, seminar presentation and discussion of articles. It will cover the following topics: 1. Immunotherapy, cell therapy, gene therapy: concepts and definitions. 2. Cellular immunotherapy (eg, NK cells, genetically modified T cells, dendritic cells, regulatory T cells, among others). 3. Immunotherapeutics (eg monoclonal antibodies, soluble receptors, receptor antagonists, purified total immunoglobulins, among others). 4. Immunotherapy: preclinical and clinical applications. 5. New biotechnologies in the area of immunotherapy (genetic modification, construction of chimeric antigen receptors, bioprocesses for cell expansion in bioreactors, humanized antibodies, among others). Maria Carolina de Oliveira Rodrigues,Kelen Cristina Ribeiro Malmegrim de Farias, Cristina Ribeiro de Barros Cardoso 25 RIM5754 4 There will also be the participation of invited researchers from this and other institutions every time the discipline is offered. 1) Didactic-scientific performance in seminars 2) Participation in discussions during lectures and seminars 3) Frequency