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The finite element computational simulation methodology, starting with the variational formulation of the problem, allows students to quickly familiarize themselves with finite element theory, to solve complex partial differential equations, to implement their own customized software to simulate a specific physical phenomenon required in their research, and to learn the necessity and importance of the variational calculus. It is a different approach in relation to what is present in the current finite element computational simulation commercial software, which contains the implementation of the final discrete (matrix) formulation of a problem, thus limiting the physical phenomena (differential equations) that can be modeled only to those problems already implemented in the Software. In the new approach we start with the variational formulation, thus allowing more flexibility and generality in the computational simulation of the physical phenomena (partial differential equations). The aim of this course is to teach the concepts of a finite element computational simulation methodology that allows starting from the variational formulation of the problem to solve partial differential equations. In this way, concepts will be explored on the finite element method, variational calculation, high order linear system solution techniques and other concepts involved in the method. As a tool will be used FENICS software (free license), which is a recent computational tool that follows the concept of modeling from the variational formulation. Engineering School (EP) São Paulo main campus 1. Introduction to the finite element method (Implementation of the Poisson equation, Verifying code with the method of manufactured solutions) 2. Constructive solid geometry; Geometric singularities in the L-shaped domain 3. Adding a potential term; Varying the type of boundary conditions; Integrating over subdomains 4. The Newton-Kantorovich method for PDEs 5. Nonlinear radiation boundary conditions 6. Continuation for nonlinear problems 7. Solution of time-dependent PDEs (PDEs on manifolds) 8. Mixed variational problems: the Stokes equations 9. Nonlinear hyperelasticity 10. Variational inequalities with semismooth Newton methods 11. Eigenvalue problems 12. Oneshot methods for PDE-constrained optimisation problems 13. Parallelism in PDE solvers with MPI 14. Algebraic and geometric multigrid methods 15. Schur complement preconditioners: the Stokes equations 16. Bifurcation analysis of PDEs 17. Bifurcation analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations Emilio Carlos Nelli Silva 32 PMR5412 8 Based on Project (10-page report)
Inter-American PoliticsThis course explores some of the major episodes and themes in 20th and 21st century inter-American politics, largely from the vantage point of two of the most important countries in the region, Brazil and the USA. Combining comparative politics and international relations, the module is based on the premise that regional politics still matter in a globalizing world, and are increasingly important in both Brazil and the USA. Three themes will recur over the course of the term. One is the difficulty of Latin American states, including Brazil, in dealing with the overweening power of the USA. The second is the Brazilian pursuit of a foreign policy autonomous of the USA. This involves a debate about Brazil’s global and regional interests, and a search for the recognition of those interests on the part of its bilateral and multilateral partners. The third theme is how politics in the Americas are changing. This includes the extent of the USA’s relative decline, the degree of convergence between the USA and Latin America, and the relevance and effectiveness of regional institutions and attempts at problem solving in a globalizing world. Institute of International Relations (IRI) São Paulo main campus 1- Key historical moments that have shaped inter-American relations, as well as some of the most important contemporary public policy debates in the Western Hemisphere. 2- Inter-American relations from different theoretical perspectives. 3- Changes to inter-American relations that occurred during and after three key historical events. 4- Features of inter-American political and economic institutions (such as the Organisation of American States, the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the North American Free Trade Agreement, Mercosur, Unasur, the South American Defence Council, Alba, Celac, and the UN�fs ECLAC and UNDP). 5- Evaluations of political and policy outcomes in several key areas affecting countries in the Americas (including the commitment to democracy, the human rights system, trade policy and regional economic integration, and illicit drug production, trafficking and consumption). Janina Onuki 22 PRI5039 4 Two essays and the presentation of seminars.
United States and Latin America in a Time of TransformationsTo discuss contemporary issues on the US and Latin America during the beginning of the 21st century under a comparative perspective and taking into account bilateral relations. Allow students to have a greater perspective of relevant contemporary issues related to the US and Latin America, including bilateral relations between Washington and the Western Hemisphere. Institute of International Relations (IRI) São Paulo main campus 1. Politics and Society in Contemporary United States 2. Politics and Society in Contemporary Latin America 3. US and Latin American Economies in the Contemporary Era 4. US and Latin American Culture and Society in the Contemporary Era 5. US-Latin American Relations in the Contemporary Era Pedro Bohomoletz de Abreu Dallari, Felipe Pereira Loureiro 18 PRI5048 4 Seminars and a Final Essay
International Relations and Women’s StudiesThe field of gender studies has been growing in importance since the 1980s in the area of international relations. Proof of this are the creation of the Women Caucus at ISA (International Studies Association) and the International Feminist Journal of Politics, which is now one of the most cited in the area of IR Studies. The importance of the study of women’s participation in international politics in peace operations, democratization processes and the improvement of international institutions with greater gender equality is greatly appreciated. The course brings an important approach to postgraduate students in the field of international relations who aim to study and better understand the role of women in politics in order to create and foment debate inside and outside the institute. The topics of study in the area and methodological approaches required for research in Security, Regimes and Institutions will be deeply explored. The participation of Professor Emeritus Jane S. Jaquette is of great importance, given her proven experience in the field and great success of publications and research, which will bring more knowledge to the faculty and our students about the field of gender within the area of international relations. The course aims to contemplate the debate about gender studies and international relations and women’s political participation. In the context of international relations studies, it is essential to note the role of women in peace processes, democratization processes and in international organizations. The theoretical conceptual aspects of the area will be presented in this course, along with methodological practices known in the area, as well as recent studies in the field of gender and international relations. It is expected that at the end of the course, students will have: (1) developed an understanding of the main theories on feminism and international relations; (2) familiarized themselves with the main contemporary debates on the subject and (3) have acquired analytical capacity to understand the role of women in international politics. Institute of International Relations (IRI) São Paulo main campus 1. Introductory meeting: Feminism and Politics 2. Theoretical debate: Feminist Theory in International Relations 3. Feminist problems as international norms: integration in global governance 4. Women and gender equality in practice 5. Women and democracy 6. Feminism in Latin America and democratic transition Janina Onuki 23 PRI5052 4 • Participation in class debates (10%) • A critical review of literature analyzed in class (1500-200 words) (40%) • Final paper (3500-5000 words) analyzing a
Statistical Process MonitoringWith the growth of the globalization and new opening markets, the concern of the companies to monitor the quality of the products and/or services has increased as quality becomes a decisive factor to guarantee its permanence in the market. Consequently, companies are increasingly driven to invest in the management and technologies to intensify their market competitiveness and provide an increase in the quality and cost /benefit of your products and/or services. In this scenario, statistical methods, mainly the control charts, have become an indispensable tool when they are used to monitor the quality of products and/or services. Control charts was proposed by Walter Shewhart at 30s and traditionally they have been used to monitor production process but recently been employed to monitor other types of process like service, surveillance of diseases. The control charts can be classified in different manners. They may be according to the number of quality characteristics as univariate control chart when there is a single quality characteristic of interest or multivariate control chart when more than one quality characteristic is monitored. Or according to the nature of quality characteristic we have attribute control chart (when the nature is qualitative) and variable control chart (when involves measurement). Or if the monitored statistic takes into account the previous observations (as the CUSUM type control chart or EWMA type control chart) or not (only the current observation, called Shewhart type control chart). Motivated by the increase of the number of the contributions on this subject and the relevance of this tool in the monitoring of industrial process, the new control charts and improvement in the existed ones have been continuously proposed by many researchers. The aim of this course is to present the main types of control charts and how design them adequately in order to meet desirable performance metrics. The aim of this course is to present the main tools used to monitor statistically a process. Engineering School (EP) São Paulo main campus Development of statistical concepts and theory underlying procedures used in quality control applications: error of type I and II; run length; average run length. Process improvement strategies, univariate control charts for process monitoring: Shewhart type control chart, Cumulative sum type control chart, EWMA type control chart, adaptative type control chart, multivariate process monitoring, profile monitoring, health-related surveillance, Markov chains: steady state, zero state, the use of basic time series models. Linda Lee Ho, Celma de Oliveira Ribeiro 30 PRO5859 8 The students will be required to take two tests and to present a seminar; exercises using the Free R statistic software program
Behavior and learningThis is a basic introductory course for Behavior Analysis principles. In this sense, it aims to provide the basic requirements for the student to understand the experimental and conceptual foundations of Behavior Analysis, so that the graduate student is able to attend other disciplines in the program. At the end of the course, it is expected that students are able to: 1. Identify the main concepts of behavior analysis; 2. Analyze behavior using such concepts; 3. Perform laboratory experiments with human subjects and/or animals, formulate the research question, the experimental design, collect and analyze data. 4. Prepare scientific reports following international publishing standards Institute of Psychology (IP) São Paulo main campus Theoretical part: 1. Selection by consequences (phylogenetic, ontogenetic and cultural levels); 2. Response Consequences: reinforcement (positive and negative) 3. Response Consequences: punishment (positive and negative); 4. Secondary Reinforcement; 5. Schedules of reinforcement; 6. Stimulus Control; 7. Discrimination and Generalization; 8. Equivalence Stimuli Classes; 9. Verbal Behavior; 10. Rule Governed Behavior; 11. Social Contingencies; 12. The Evolution of Cultural Practices. Practical Part: Developing a research involving animals and/or humans. Animal research is conducted in operant conditioning lab using rats and involves observation and registration of operant level, shaping lever press, establishing stimulus control and performances under schedules of reinforcement. Research with human involves complex stimulus control, verbal behavior and/or cultural selection Maria Martha Costa H_bner, Paula Debert, Marcelo Frota Lobato Benvenuti 22 PSE5750 12 Seminars; – Exams – Research Report
Cognitive Neuropsycholinguistics: Language development and disorders in speech, writing, spelling, and sign languageOver the last two decades, Experimental Psychology and Behavioral Neurosciences have benefited intensely from research in Cognitive Psycholinguistics. The present discipline is rooted in solid field experience and aims at introducing students to the main contemporary paradigms and publications, helping them to plan and conduct experiments, and publish research findings in the area. The Cognitive Neuropsycholinguistics Laboratory provides equipment and support for research and development in the areas of sensory impairments (deafness and blindness), motor impairments (cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy), language disorders (aphasia, dyslexia), as well as a vast arsenal of instruments for assessment and intervention in language development and disorders in speech, sign language, reading and spelling, that are typical of those disorders. Introducing students to t theoretical approaches and experimental designs for research in cognitive psycholinguistics. Teaching them to use instruments to assess and intervene in developmental parameters of cognitive competencies involving speech, sign language, reading and spelling in the school setting, and to use instruments and procedures for differential diagnosis and treatment of language impairments and disorders involving speech, sign language, reading and spelling in daily practice. Teaching students to plan and conduct experimental studies in speech, sign language, reading and spelling. Institute of Psychology (IP) São Paulo main campus 1- Hemispheric specialization, structure and processing of language and imagery.2- Iconic and linguistic representation and processing. Phonics and imagery. 3- Reception, processing, and expression on speech, sign language, and writing. 4- Memory structure and processes. Sensorial memory: iconic and echoic. Working memory. Long term memory. 5- Information rehearsal. Storage and retrieval processes. Phonological loop. Visoespatial sketchboard. Fading, displacement, and consolidation processes. 6- First language development and disorders in speech and sign language. 7- Second language development and disorders in speech and writing: Deaf literacy acquisition and disorders. 8- Neuropsychological assessment and intervention in brain lesion. 9- Neuropsychological assessment in sensory impairments, as well as in motor and language disorders. 10- Information processing in Deafness (congenital versus acquired), dyslexia (developmental versus acquired), cerebral palsy, aphasias (global, subcortical, Broca, Wernicke, transcortical). 11- Assessment and intervention in language disorders involving phonetics, phonology, orthography, lexical and memory processes. 12- Phonetics, phonology, and orthography of Brazilian Portuguese: pronunciation and spelling. 13- Waveform analyses in speech production as a means of assessing phonological and lexical reading processes. 14-Assessment and intervention in developmental and acquired dyslexia and dysorthography. 15- Assessment and intervention in in deaf and hearing aphasics. Fernando Cesar Capovilla 22 PSE5819 8 Two Exams: one mid-term exam, and one final exam.
Phenomenology of Relativistic Heavy Ion CollisionsThis course is a topical review of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The objective is to survey the major topics in the field, in as much depth as time allows. This course will give a broad understanding of the history and current state of the field of heavy-ion collisoins. It will be useful for anyone doing research in the field, or anyone with such an interest. Institute of Physics (IF) São Paulo main campus 1. Introduction to heavy-ion collisions i. motivation ii. description of experiments and facilities 2. Bulk physics i. Measurements _ single particle observables, 2-particle correlations (ridge, integrated and differential vn, rn, PCA analysis), multiparticle correlations (cumulants, mixed harmonic correlations) ii. Theory _ relativistic hydrodynamics, freeze-out, hadronic physics, full simulations of heavy-ion collisions, early and recent results. 3. Physics of the initial state i. Saturation physics, low-x, Color Glass Condensate ii. Thermalization / isotropization 1. Weak coupling approaches 2. Strong coupling approaches Matthew William Luzum 25 PGF5324 12 Each student choose a topic of interest, among those discussed in the course, and present a seminar.
Statistical Basis for ResearchConsidering that graduate courses aim to develop qualified faculty and researchers, able to conduct research protocols independently, it is necessary to offer disciplines which prepare students with adequate statistical tools for the analysis of collected data from health research protocols. At the end of this discipline students should be able to: 1. Recognize and classify research variables as well as understand the consequences of this classification on statistical analysis; 2. Present collected data in a reduced form applying tables and graphics; 3. Distinghish the most used probability distributions and relate them to their respective statistical tests; 4. Define Type I and Type II errors, and how they are related to the sample size; 5. Indicate apropriate statistical tests to run univariate and bivariate hypothesis tests; 6. Interpret results of univariate and bivariate statistical analysis. Medical School (FM) São Paulo, Pinheiros campus 1. Descriptive Statistics: variables; reducing and presenting data (graphs and tables); frequencies; central tendency measures and dispersion. 2. Introduction to Probability: axioms; dependent e independente events; conditional probability; Probability distribution: Binomial, Poisson, Normal, F, t e _2; 3. Inferential statistics: hypothesis testing; type I and type II errors. Confidence interval; z test. Sample size calculation and study power. 4. Tests for quantitative variables: t test; paired t teste; F test; ANOVA, Pearson correlation. 5. Tests for ordinal variables: Mann-Whitney test; Wilcoxon test; Kruskal-Wallis test; Spearman correlation. 6. Tests for categorical variables: _2 test; Exact Fisher test; Relative Risk; Odds Ratio; Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel method. Luiz Felipe Pinho Moreira, Raymundo Soares de Azevedo Neto 30 MPT5802 2 This discipline is offered at the School of Medicine main building as well as in a distance learning format. In the distance learning format, students will watch classes and discuss the topics through MOODLE platform (Stoa _ ). Final exam is performed at the School of Medicine. A final exam, with multiple choice questions, will be carry out at the end of the discipline, being necessary a score higher than 50 of 100 points for the student to get approved.
Advanced Topics on Hematopoiesis and Hematopoietic Stem Cell DiseasesThis course covers the current knowledge on the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the control of hematopoiesis and hematopoietic defects that are etiologic in human hematologic disorders Discussing the cell and molecular mechanisms of control of hematopoiesis, maintenance of pluripotency and hematopoietic stem cell differentiation. Discussing the mechanisms regulating hematopoiesis which are abnormal in hematological diseases, particularly in bone marrow failure and myeloid neoplasias. Ribeir_o Preto Medical School (FMRP) Ribeir_o Preto campus Lectures on (1) hematopoiesis and (2) bone marrow failure. Seminars on pluripotency, stemness, hematopoietic differentiation, cellular reprogramming; immunology of hematopoiesis, niche; DNA repair machinery, telomere biology, clonality in hematopoieses, malignant clonal evelution, epigenetics, and investigational tools: Southern blot, Westem blot, coimmunoprecipitation, qPCR, PCR-array, genetic sequencing, colony-forming assays; immunophenotyping Rodrigo do Tocantins Calado de Saloma Rodrigues 4 OCT5717 4 The discipline is held in a weekly basis and students’ evaluation will be based on: 1. Frequency and participation; 2. Seminars presentation; 3. Top
English for Oral Presentations and Academic WritingOver the last few years, USP graduate students have increased their participation at overseas conferences or events in Dentistry. These events require students to write abstracts and give presentations in English. Besides, students need to be equipped with the language skills necessary for writing papers. Foreign students enrolled in Dentistry courses need English-medium lectures. ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC WRITING The course will focus on: • Raising awareness of the main issues in English writing. • Discussing issues related to translation. • Building up vocabulary and phrases used in an academic environment. • Revising some of the most difficult points of grammar and learning more features of English grammar appropriate to an academic environment. • Providing hands-on practice for students in writing. • Improving student’s editing skills. • Getting familiar with online dictionaries and corpora. 2) ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS The course will focus on: • Building students’ oral communication skills. • Developing oral grammatical accuracy and range of structures. • Learning useful phrases in presentations. • Improving pronunciation. • Contrasting English and Portuguese phonological traits. • Giving presentations. • Analyzing participant’s presentations collaboratively. School of Dentistry (FO) São Paulo main campus 1. Lexical study 2. Study and revision of grammatical structures 3. Text writing 4. Pronunciation study 5. Oral presentation Marina Helena Cury Gallottini, Marcelo Jose Strazzeri Bonecker, Patricia Moreira de Freitas Costa e Silva 15 ODO5785 4 Presence, critical participation, oral presentation and written works.
Quantum Mechanics IIA deep knowledge of Quantum Mechanics is paramount for every physicist. Advanced topics not covered in PGF5001, develop familiarity with the ideas and methods of Quantum Mechanics and study applications to physical systems. Institute of Physics (IF) São Paulo main campus Quantum Mechanics I (PGF5001). WKB approximation, Variational methods, Time-dependent perturbation theory, Identical particles, Scattering theory, S-matrix, Eikonal approximation, Interaction radiation/matter, Canonical formalism, Path integrals, Symmetries and conservation laws, Particles in e/m fields, Entanglement, Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, Basics of quantum computation. Oscar Jose Pinto Eboli, Matthew Wiiliam Luzum, Enrico Bertuzzo 50 PGF5002 12 Homeworks and exams