Quantum engineering quantum information

Quantum communication and information processing (QIPC) is a rapidly growing field that takes advantage of the most counter-intuitive aspects of quantum mechanics to develop new technologies. In this framework, no-cloning theorem is exploited to communicate more securely, while coherence and entanglement become resources to compute in a more efficient way than in the classical world. Moreover, approaching the quantum limits paves the road to ultra-sensitive measurements in various fields of physics such as photonics, mechanics or electrical engineering. In these various fields, the ability to beat decoherence, namely, to isolate and control quantum systems, was crucial. Technological progresses have allowed fulfilling these challenging objectives, such that quantum protocols are now investigated in various experimental setups. This course will present an introduction to quantum information and more generally to quantum engineering, with examples taken from photonics and superconducting circuits. It will expose the mains tools and concepts of quantum technologies, for students curious about this intriguing topics, whether they envisage to embark in a PhD, or they just want to acquire a scientific background in this domain. Basics of quantum optics and light-matter interaction will be presented. General concepts relevant for quantum information, e.g. quantum bits, Bloch sphere or decoherence, will be introduced and illustrated using superconducting circuits and photonics based physical systems : – Theory : Quantum measurement theory, entanglement, decoherence, exemples of elementary quantum information protocols and quantum gates – Experimental aspects illustrated with superconducting qubits : Two-level systems, Bloch sphere, Rabi oscillations, Ramsey fringes, quantum limits of amplification – Experimental aspects illustrated with photonics : Coherent states, single photons, quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation Physics, Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Mechanics Department (UFR PhITEM) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire IGMAYCGF 3 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Dounia MOUKADEM / Thi Phuong POURTIER

Advanced models and methods in operations research

This course presents advanced methods and technics for Operations Research. Reminder : Linear Programming, Dynamic Programming, MIP modelling and BB Complexity (P, NP, Co-NP) Advanced MIP : formulation, cuts, bounds, applications, lagragian relaxation, column generation Benders decomposition, Solvers Constraint Programming Heuristics local search approximation algorithms Computer Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (UFR IM²AG) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire IGW1U3SV 6 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Bérengère DUC

Alleviating poverty and inequalities : theories, concepts and tools

Poverty is the core problem of developing countries and at the heart of development objectives and programmes. Since the recent global financial crisis, poverty and social inequalities also turned out to be a rising issue within Western countries. The lecture part of this course provides an overview on the global evolution of poverty and inequalities as well as conceptual frameworks for thinking about the multiple dimensions of poverty and their causes. The following two seminars are designed to familiarise the students with innovative project strategies and tools for poverty alleviation and social cohesion. A special issue will be the rising relevance in the Global North of concepts and strategies which have been designed for the Global South. Alpine Geography and Urban Planning Institute (IUGA) Grenoble – Vigny Musset IGI27O3T 6 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Nadia LACHKAR

Advanced security

The advanced security module proposes to investigate deeper certain topics in security which include privacy models (k-anonymity, differential privacy and privacy by design), secure data structures (hash chain, Merkle’s tree), (in)secure communication protocols (WEP and WPA protocols) and anti-viruses. The module focuses on several case study on privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), blockchain (along with an overview of cryptocurrencies), wireless attacks with scapy, malware detection using YARA and ClamAV. Computer Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (UFR IM²AG) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire IFNPFKFJ 6 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Bérengère DUC

Autonomous robotics

A robot is a mechatronic system with perception, decision and action capabilities design to perform in an autonomous way different tasks in the real world. Whatever the robot (e.g. mobile robot, industrial arm, mobile manipulator) and the task that it has been assigned, the robot will have to move (move its whole body or a part of its body, e.g. arm, hand). Accordingly, motion autonomy is an essential skill for a robot. To achieve motion autonomy, it is required to solve a number of challenging problems in areas as diverse as sensor data processing, world modeling, motion planning, obstacle avoidance and control. The purpose of the course is to present the main concepts, tools and techniques that Roboticists have developed in the past fifty years in order to address these challenges. The course has three parts that focus on different aspects: The first part is about robot state estimation and world modeling. It presents the most popular approaches to perform state estimation. The basic equations of the Bayes filter are derived first. Then, the Extended Kalman Filter is introduced. These methods are then used to explore the following fundamental estimation problems: 1) robot localization, 2) Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), 3) cooperative localization, and 4) simultaneous localization and self-calibration. The structural properties of these problems are studied. In particular, it is shown how the computational complexity scales with the size of the state. Finally, more theoretical aspects related to estimation with special focus on state observability are discussed. The second part focuses on the decision-making aspects. Motion planning is addressed first in the seminal configuration space framework, the main configuration space-based motion planning techniques are reviewed. Then, to deal with the uncertainty of the real world and the discrepancy between the world and its model, reactive collision avoidance techniques are presented. Finally, motion safety is formally studied thanks to the Inevitable Collision State concept. The third part is an introduction to control theory for articulated robots. The objectives are to understand basic concepts about the kinematics and dynamics of articulated robots and basic control theory in order to approach classical control methods, as well as a few selected advanced topics. The kinematics of articulated robots is introduced first, covering advanced topics such as singularities, hierarchies of objectives, inequality constraints. A brief reminder about Newton, Euler and Lagrangian equations of motion as well as basic Lyapunov stability theory is also provided before discussing standard motion control schemes such as Proportional-Derivative, Computed Torque, Operational Space and Task Function approaches. Advanced topics such as space robots, biped robots, Viability theory and optimal control are also touched. Évaluation: examen final écrit (3h) + examen de rattrapage écrit (1,5h) ou oral. Computer Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (UFR IM²AG) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire IGDGFN4Q 6 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Bérengère DUC

Computer vision

This course provides an introduction to computer vision. It concerns techniques for constructing systems that observe and recognize objects, scenes and activities. It provides training in tools and techniques and models for: the image formation process, color and illumination, image signal processing, multi-scale image description, image analysis, object detection, recognition and tracking, motion capture, modeling and understanding, image matching, multi-camera systems, and 3D reconstruction and modeling. Computer Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (UFR IM²AG) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire IGDGATTZ 6 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Bérengère DUC

Data management in large-scale distributed systems

Target skills : Data management and knowledge extraction have become the core activities of most organizations. The increasing speed at which systems and users generate data has led to many interesting challenges, both in the industry and in the research community. The data management infrastructure is growing fast, leading to the creation of large data centers and federations of data centers. These can no longer be handled exclusively with classic DBMS. It requires a variety of flexible data models (relational, NoSQL…), consistency semantics and algorithms issued by the database and distributed system communities. In addition, large-scale systems are more prone to failures, and should implement appropriate fault tolerance mechanisms. The dissemination of an increasing amount of sensors and devices in our environment highly contribute to the “Big Data” and the development of ubiquitous information systems. Data is processed in continuous streams providing information related of users context, such as their movement patterns and their surroundings. This data can be used to improve the context awareness of mobile applications and directly target the needs of the users without requiring an explicit query. Combining large amounts of data from different sources offers many opportunities in the domains of data mining and knowledge discovery. Heterogeneous data, once reconciled, can be used to produce new information to adapt to the behavior of users and their context, thus generating a richer and more diverse experience. As more data becomes available, innovative data analysis algorithms are conceived to provide new services, focusing on two key aspects: accuracy and scalability. Program summary : In this course, we will study the fundamentals and research trends of distributed data management, including distributed query evaluation, consistency models and data integration. We will give an overview of large-scale data management systems, peer-to-peer approches, MapReduce frameworks and NoSQL systems. Ubiquitous data management and crowdsourcing will also be discussed. Computer Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (UFR IM²AG) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire IH353SDE 3 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Bérengère DUC

Human-centered interaction

This course studie human-computer interaction (HCI) with a focus on increasing the efficiency of the communication between users and computing services. Technology appears to be unlimited regarding which form of user interfaces can be implemented. However, users have strong limitations regarding what they can perceive and what they can do in a given amount of time. Human Centered Interaction approaches the HCI problem as the *optimization of the human input/output bandwidth* through better HCIs. Content Lectures Human sensorimotor capabilities and limits: perception, control. Modeling the interaction between users and computers. Optimizing the interaction with touch, gestural, mobile and 3D interaction. Benefits and limits of tangible interaction Future of tangible interaction Implementation of tangible interaction with Arduino Benefits of multimodal interaction Design elements of multimodal interaction Project Students work in groups of 2 during the whole semester on an HCI study. They chose an HCI problem of their choice (moderated by the professors), analyze the problem, propose a new interaction, prototype and evaluate it, and they present their work to the class at the end of the semester. Evaluation Session 1: Project (75%), written exam 2h (25%) Session 2: The project grade is kept (75%), oral exam 0.5h (25%). Computer Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (UFR IM²AG) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire IH36TTHR 6 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Bérengère DUC

Advanced experimental geomechanics

This course aims to bring students in the research masters up-to-date with the latest techniques in experimental geomechanics. A number of different lecturers intervene in order to have a good overview of a number of subjects: – Cino Viggiani, bases of experimental mechanics – Edward Andò, x-ray tomography and measurements from imaging – Simon Salager, unsaturated soil mechanics – Erika Tudisco, ultrasonic tomographyand neutron imaging Physics, Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Mechanics Department (UFR PhITEM) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire IGT4JRVD 3 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Dounia MOUKADEM / Thi Phuong POURTIER

Basic geomechanics

The course aims to provide the students with the basic concepts of geomechanics, that is the theoretical and applied science dealing with the mechanical behavior of geomaterials (soil and rock). The first part of the course covers the basic subjects of geomechanics such as stress and strain, permeability and consolidation, compressibility, shear strength, testing techniques, etc. The course then focuses on the mechanical behaviour of geomaterials and provides a basic understanding of the features that are specific to geomaterials (dilatancy, friction, pressure dependence) and the modelling of such complex phenomena. In particular, an introduction is given to the ideas and concepts of elastoplasticity, this subject being of critical importance to geomechanics and geotechnical engineering. Physics, Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Mechanics Department (UFR PhITEM) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire / Grenoble – Saint-Martin d’Hères IGT3UMSB 3 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Dounia MOUKADEM / Thi Phuong POURTIER

Climate and anthropogenic impact

This course focuses on some important results of the IPCC assessment report on climate change. Classes: radiative transfer; greenhouse effect; aerosols, clouds & climate; global warming as a response to forcings; oceans & climate; paleoclimate Physics, Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Mechanics Department (UFR PhITEM) Grenoble – Domaine universitaire IG2BFI1T 6 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Dounia MOUKADEM / Thi Phuong POURTIER

Field geology workshop

Module de 4 jours sur le terrain avec des aspects de la sédimentologie carbonatée et clastique, analyses de provenance, déformation synsédimentaire, qualité de réservoir et évolution paléogéographique. Il faut étudier l’évolution du bassin, des environnements de dépôts, et la géologie structurale dans le contexte de la géologie régionale alpine. Physics, Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Mechanics Department (UFR PhITEM) Grenoble – Saint-Martin d’Hères IFXZWWRX 3 2nd year of master Lecture Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.

Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
– April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
– September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June). Dounia MOUKADEM / Thi Phuong POURTIER