Functional Magnetic Resonance as Neuroimaging Technique

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as neuroimaging modality has undergone major advances in recent decades. Several techniques has expanded the application areas of MRI, such as functional imaging, spectroscopy, angiography, among others techniques. The speed of this progress and its multidisciplinary character leads to a superficial overview of the use and understanding of fMRI. Therefore, an extensive discussion of this technique is important to provide a better understanding of the results in the study of biological systems, in particular due to the possibility to study the brain in a completely non-invasive way. The discipline aims to give a detailed view of the methodological aspects and recent applications of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) Ribeirão Preto campus 1. Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2. Contrast mechanisms in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 3. BOLD contrast. 4. Temporal and spatial properties of fMRI. 5. fMRI pre-processing. 6. Experimental design in fMRI. 7. Statistical analysis in fMRI. 8. fMRI applications in neuroscience. Carlos Ernesto Garrido Salmon, Renata Ferranti Leoni 25 5915768 4 P = Written Exam and/or S = Seminar

Complex Networks

Many systems in the real world are already organized in networks, for example, electricity transmission and distribution networks, road networks, social networks, computer networks, and neural networks. With the growth of these networks, the science and engineering deal with more and more problems modeled by complex networks (large sparse graphs). Thus, the study of complex networks is important and of general interests to various scientific areas. In computer science, complex networks can be applied to various research fields, such as, data mining, image processing, information retrieval, pattern recognition, bioinformatics and grid computing. With the in-depth study of the theory of complex networks, we can obtain a basis for the development of research in complex network field it own, in computer science, as well as in engineering and other sciences. Due to the broad interests and wide range of applications of complex networks, we intend to offer this course to all areas of computer science and computational mathematics. Presenting to the students the basic and intermediate levels of techniques for complex network analysis, as well as presenting network modeling methods for solving real computational problems involving complex networks. Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) Ribeirão Preto campus The aim of this course is to explore the concepts, techniques and applications involved in complex networks. 1) Introduction: Basic Concept of Complex Networks; Evolution of Complex Networks; 2) Complex Networks Models and Generation Algorithms: Random Networks; Small-World Networks; Scale-Free Networks; Clustered Networks; 3) Complex Network Measures: Centrality; Connectivity; Transitivity; Assortativity; Local Density ; Betweenness; Other Measures; 4) Advanced Network Analysis Techniques: Searching Methods for Complex Networks; Graph Isomorphism and Networks Similarity; Flow Optimization in Complex Networks; Community Detection in Complex Networks; Spectrum Analysis; Generating Functions; Other Techniques; 5) Applications: Data Mining; Machine Learning; Information Retrieval; Image Processing and Pattern Recognition; Grid Computing; Network Security; Bioinformatics; Other Applications; Antonio Carlos Roque da Silva Filho, Alexandre Souto Martinez, Zhao Liang 33 5955012 8 Evaluation: 01 written test and 02 practical tasks. The final grade will be calculated by the weighted average of the test and the practical tasks.

Seminars in Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems I

The discipline represents a regular forum for the discussion of state-of-the-art topics in Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems, allowing the study and review of recently published papers in the area. Further, students are stimulated to present the results of their research systematically. Explore and study state-of-the-art topics in the area of Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems. Develop critical thinking skills through the discussion of published reviews in the area and the presentation of seminars. Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeir?o Preto (FFCLRP) Ribeir?o Preto campus State-of-the-art topics in the area of Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems. Evandro Eduardo Seron Ruiz, Alessandra Alaniz Macedo, Zhao Liang 16 5955014 2 Each presented seminar will be graded. The final grade will be calculated by the weighted average of these seminars.

Analytical Methods for the Determination of Licit and Illicit Drugs in Forensic Toxicology

The use of licit and illicit drugs of abuse in the Brazilian population, especially among young people, is increasing. In addition, the contribution of the effects of these drugs in cases of death from violent causes such as car accidents, homicides and suicides is significant. The presence of these drugs in biological samples, in postmortem cases, has been little investigated due to factors such as the scarce investment in technology to improve working conditions in the laboratories of public control agencies, the reduced contingent of qualified technical personnel for the development of modern analytical methodologies and the lack of interest of the government in improving the quality of services provided to the community in the area of forensic analytical toxicology and in other areas of research. Therefore, this course aims to give subsidies to professionals engaged in postgraduate programs in pharmacy, chemistry, biology, among others, to awaken to the forensic sciences which is an interesting, curious, challenging and less widespread area in our country , although very important in the present day. The aim of this course is to present to the student theoretical and practical aspects of the most modern analytical techniques used in forensic toxicology for the extraction / isolation and determination of licit and illicit drugs in forensic toxicology. Biological samples, especially in postmortem cases. To know the main drugs of medical-legal interest and the alternative samples for the investigation of cases suspected of intoxication. Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) Ribeirão Preto campus – Introduction to forensic analytical toxicology. – Sampling, identification and storage of biological materials for toxicological analysis. – Analytical methodologies for extracting and isolating substances of interest in forensic toxicology, involving liquid-liquid extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, solid phase extraction and solid phase microextraction. – Analytical methodologies for identifying and quantifying licit and illicit drug abuse in biological samples using immunoassay, chromatography, mass spectrometry and spectrophotometry techniques. – Discussion of cases. – Interpretation of results and preparation of reports. Bruno Spinosa de Martinis 15 6045825 2 – Participation in the discussions in the classroom; – Presentation of seminars; – Participation in the discussion of cases; – Report.


General Relativity and Cosmology – Geometry and Line Element – The Smooth Expanding Universe – Cosmological Parameters, Lookback Time – Age of the Universe – Luminosity Distance – Supernovas and the Accelerating Universe – Angular Diameter Distance – ΛCDM and Alternative Models – Radiation Phase: Nucleossynthesis – Cosmic Relics – Horizons – Flatness and other Problems – Inflationary Scenarios – Baryogenesis – The Perturbed Expanding Universe – Galaxy Formation – Cosmic Background Radiation (CMB) and Power Spectrum. Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) São Paulo main campus Jos_ Ademir Sales de Lima 25 AGA5717 11

Perturbations Theory I

Presentation of the basic analytic theories important for the study celestial motions. Necessary tool for research in theoretical Celestial Mechanics. Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) São Paulo main campus Canonical equations. Canonical transformations. Separable systems. Delaunay variables. The method of Von Zeipel. Lie series transformations. Hori-Deprit method. Extended phase space. Sylvio Ferraz de Mello 30 AGA5720 11 The discipline will have the participation of Prof. Ricardo Riguera. Full Professor of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Prof. RIguera has experience in the area of chemistry of polymers.

Physics Applied to Medicine and Biology

The course aims to give an overview about the physical principles involved in several biological phenomena on topics of biology and health sciences. Some previous experience related to applied physics in medicine and biology is expected from the students in order to provide a more advanced approach. This course gives a comprehensive overview and training on the application of physics to the understanding of biological systems. Physics concepts, statistics, electricity, magnetism, signal processing, therapy and imaging techniques, among others, are used in the discussion of issues of interest to the medical and biological physics. Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) Ribeirão Preto campus 1. Statistics in Medicine and Biology 2. Systems of Many Particles 3. Transport in an Infinite Medium 4. Transport Through Neutral Membranes 5. Impulses in Nerve and Muscle Cells 6. Electrical and magnetic measurements in biological systems 7. Biomedical signal processing 8. Medical use of ionizing radiation: Imaging and Therapy 9. Medical use of non-ionizing radiation: Imaging Oswaldo Baffa Filho, Ubiraci Pereira da Costa Neves, Carlos Ernesto Garrido Salmon 25 5915702 8 Evaluation Criteria: FS=0.35•E1+0.35•E2+0.30•EW FS=Final score E1 = First Written Exam E2 = Second Written Exam EW = Extra works (Seminars, Exercises)

Statistical Mechanics

This course is essential for those who intend to work in many body systems, in order to describe observable macroscopic quantities from the microscopic description of the system. To introduce the basis of statistical mechanics, with a view to their application in different areas, such as magnetism, biology, nuclear physics, etc. Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) Ribeirão Preto campus 1. Review of ensemble theory (a) microcanonical ensemble (b) canonical ensemble (c) gran canonical ensemble and (d) pressure ensemble 2. Ideal Gas (a) classica gas: Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics (b) quantum gases: quantum statistics: Base-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac 3. Phase transitions and critical phenomena (a) simple fluids: van der Waals equation (b) simple ferromagnet: Curie-Weiss equation (c) Landau theory 4. Ising Model (a) exact solution in one dimension (b) mean-field approach 5. theory of scale and group renormalization (a) scale theory of thermodynamic potentials (b) scale of critical correlations (c) Kadanoff construction (d) Renormalization of the Ising model (e) general scheme of renormalization group Alexandre Souto Martinez 25 5915736 6 Arithmetical mean of two tests.