University: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
The students will be introduced to the basic principles and application of heat and mass transfer engineering. The understanding from this course will lead to better understanding in distillation, absorption, liquid-liquid extraction, membrane separation, leaching, evaporation and other chemical processes. 1. Explain the equation, which relate to heat and mass transfer system for steady state and unsteady state conditions. 2. Calculate the rate of transfer (mass or heat) using empirical equations for every system. Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture and Discussion, Cooperative Learning, Group Projects week 1, week 2 – 3, etc. AP Dr. Kenichi Yoneda conditional SMJC 2253 3 Sem 4 1. Geankoplis, C.J., 2003. Transport Processes and Separation Processes Principles, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall. 2. McCabe, W. L., Smith J.C. and Harriot, P., 1993. Unit Operation of Chemical engineering, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill International, Assignment, Test, Final Examination AP Dr. Kenichi Yoneda
Separation Process 2Students will be introduce with several types of unit operations and separation processes such as particle technology, crystallization, solid-liquid separation, filtration, membrane separation processes, drying and evaporation in this subject. Examples and exercises from related industry will be used in this subject. 1. Describe the different of solid-liquid operations process and equipment. 2. Solve complex engineering problem related to mechanical separation, size reduction process and crystallization process. 3. Apply knowledge of solid handling for chemical engineering design. Work in a group as a leader or member to conduct related activities. 4. Acquire additional knowledge from industry to comply the knowledge of solid-liquid separation process for life-long learning. Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture and Discussion, Active Learning, Independent Study, Group Project. Prof.Dr.Ezzat Chan bin Abdullah conditional SMJC 3283 3 Sem 6 1. Geankoplis, C.J., 2003. Transport Processes and Separation Processes Principles (includes Unit Operation), 4th Ed., Prentice Hall, ISBN-13:978-0131013674. 2. Seader, J.D., Henley, E.J. and Roper, D.K., 2010. Separation Process Principles, 3rd Ed. Wiley, ISBN-13: 9780470481837. 3. McCabe, W. L., Smith J.C. and Harriot, P., 2004, Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill International, ISBN-13:978-0072848236. Wankat, P.C., 2012, Separation Process Engineering, includes Mass Transfer Analysis, 3rd Edition. Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0132790215 Assignment, Test, Project, Final Examination Prof.Dr.Ezzat Chan bin Abdullah
Dr. Mariam Firdhausbinti Mad Nordin,
Students will learn relationship between structure and physicochemical properties of materials. This course provides a conceptual framework for understanding the basic theory and physicochemical behavior of fundamental and modern engineering materials. It also attempts to present a general picture of material nature and mechanism that act upon, analyze, modify, and control their properties. 1. Explain types of atomic bonding/structure and relate to properties of engineering materials 2. Analyze characterization methods of structures/properties of engineering materials to investigate material performance. 3. Choose information on structures/properties of engineering materials, evaluate, and recommend materials for given application. Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture, Discussion, Independent, Study Group, Assignment week 1, week 2 – 3, etc. Prof. Dr. Mikio Miyake conditional SMJC 3293 3 Sem 6 1. Callister, D.D. Jr., 2010, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 8th ed., John Wiley and Sons, ISBN13:978-0470894156. 2. White, M.A., 1999. Properties of Materials, Oxford Univ. Press, ISBN-13:978-0195113310. 3.Kittel, C., 2004. Introduction of Solid State Physics, 8th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, ISBN-13:978-0471680574. 4. Atkins, P., Atkins, J.P., 2009, Physical Chemistry, 9th Ed., Oxford Univ. Press, ISBN-13:978-0199543373
Quiz, Assignment, Test, Final Examination Prof. Dr. Mikio Miyake
This course provides the basic fundamental of thermodynamics for engineering application & problem solving. The topics covered include the first and second laws of thermodynamics, closed system and control volume analysis, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, properties of pure substances. Application to engineering problems includes vapor power cycles, refrigeration and heat pump & air conditioning systems. 1. Explain the different properties and states of open and closed systems Calculate the thermodynamic properties for a given specific system or a process. 2. Analyze the performance of power and refrigeration cycles Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture, Individual and Group Work, and Group Assignment. week 1 – 4, week 5 – 7, etc. Prof. Dr. Masafumi Goto conditional SMJC 1213 3 Sem 2 1. Cengel, Y.A. and Boles, M.A., 2010. Thermodynamics. An Engineering Approach, 7th Edn. McGraw-Hill. Assignments, Tests, Projects, Final Examination Prof. Dr. Masafumi Goto
Physical Chemistry for Chemical EngineerThis course introduces the fundamental of physical principles that govern the properties and behavior of chemical systems. Three important areas are introduced: review on thermodynamics, electrochemical systems and kinetics. In thermodynamics, students will learn the interrelationship of various equilibrium properties of the system and its changes in processes. In electrochemical systems, electric potential that lead to the determination of thermodynamic properties in the electrochemical cells will be discussed. In kinetics, rate processes of chemical reactions, diffusion, adsorption and molecular collisions are included. 1. Apply the concepts of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics theories to the complex systems. 2. Analyze the properties of various complex systems. 3. Evaluate the thermodynamics properties of complex systems. Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture and Discussion, Co-operative Learning, Independent Study, Group homework. week 1, week 2 – 3, etc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud El Sayed Nasef conditional SMJC 2233 3 Sem 4 1. Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula, Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 10th Edition, 2014 (main text book). 2. Ira N. Levine, Physical Chemistry, 6th ed, McGraw Hill, New York, 2009. 3. Thomas Engel and Philip Reid., Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed., Pearson, New Jersey, 2010. Assignment, Quiz, test, Final Examination Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud El SayedNasef
Dr.Nurulbahiyah Ahmad Khairudin,
Through this course, students will learn chemical engineering thermodynamic theory and applications in the areas of volumetric properties of fluids, heat effects, thermodynamics properties of fluids, thermodynamics of solutions, and physical and chemical equilibria 1. Apply the thermodynamics equations for chemical process; thermodynamic properties, solution thermodynamics and chemical-reaction equilibrium. 2. Analyse relevant thermodynamics principles for specific chemical process; application in VLE, LLE and reaction equilibria. 3. Solve thermodynamic problems in a chemical process engineering using chemical thermodynamics principles. 4. Ability to work in team efficiently to accomplish the assigned task or project. Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture and Discussion, Cooperative Learning, Group Projects week 1, week 2, etc. Dr Liew Peng Yen conditional SMJC 2243 3 Sem 4 1. Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C. and Abbott, M. M., 2004. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York. 2. Kyle, B.G., 2003. Chemical and Process Thermodynamics, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, New York. 3. Walas, S.M., 1985. Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering, Butterworth-Heinemann, New York. Assignments, Quiz, Projects, Test, Final Examination Dr Liew Peng Yen
Prof. Dr.Tomoya Tsuji,
Overviews of food systems beyond enumerating the problems with the current food system (including problems with “alternative” food strategies) and begins to build ideas of what a sustainable food system might include. The focus on particular strategies, policies, and business arrangements that could be part of a sustainable food system in discussed in developing a sustainable future. This subject encourages multidisciplinary approach in realizing sustainable food systems. 1. Compare food systems locally and globally in terms of i) the health of students, staff and families and ii) the impacts of food choices on our community and environment. 2. Communicate about the importance of healthy and sustainable food to a variety of audiences. 3. Audit a system related to health, nutrition and food. Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture and Discussion, Cooperative Learning, Group Projects; Case Study; Audit week 1, week 2 – 3, etc. Dr Shaza Eva Mohamad conditional MMJS 1343 1. HesterMan O.B. (2011) Fair Food: Growing a Healthy, Sustainable Food System for All. Public Affairs. 2. Blay-Palmer A. (Ed.)(2010) Principles of Water Imagining Sustainable Food Systems. Ashgate
Case Study (Group), Individual Assignment, Audit (Group), Role Play (Individual), Final Examination (Individual) Dr Shaza Eva Mohamad
This course aims to provide the students with an overview of the wastewater systems, treatment methods and processes. Students will be able to acquire knowledge on basic wastewater treatment and process design. Students should be skilled in the design of unit processes for conventional and advanced wastewater treatment systems such as coagulation, sedimentation, and chemical treatment. They would gain fundamental knowledge of wastewater treatment processes and operations. 1. Describe the terminology used commonly for key concepts and terms in the field of wastewater treatment system. 2. Calculate wastewater flow rates and constituent mass loadings. 3. Categorize the physical, chemical, biological and advanced unit processes in wastewater treatment. 4. Explain the degradation mechanisms of organic and inorganic constituents of chemical and biological treatment methods.5. Design a wastewater treatment plant in a group. 6. Make presentation of wastewater treatment plant design. Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture and Discussion, Independent Study; Project; Presentation; Active Learning week 1 – 2, week 3, etc. Prof Dr Megat Johari conditional SMJC 4523 3 * Group 2 1. Metcalf and Eddy Inc., Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., Burton, F. and Stensel, H.D.,, 2005. Wastewater Engineering – Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill Science Engineering, ISBN 13: 9780070418783 Lecture and Discussion, Independent Study; Project; Presentation; Active Learning Prof Dr Megat Johari
AP Dr Muhamad Ali Muhammad Yuzir,
This course discusses the chemistry of alkanes and the fundamental concepts of functional groups in organic compounds. The functional groups include alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, organohalogens, ethers, epoxides, and their derivatives. In each topic, the students will be introduced to the structures of the functional groups and the nomenclatures (common names and IUPAC names). Physical properties, preparations, reactions and visual tests will also be discussed. Inter-conversion of the related functional groups and their reaction mechanisms are also included. 1. Applynames and properties of organic compounds according to their functional groups. 2. Describe chemical reactions to synthesise organic compounds and inter conversion to different functional groups. 3. Explain mechanisms and intermediates in organic reactions based on stability of reactive species and stereochemistry. Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture, Tutorial, ProblemSolving, Group Assignment week 1, week 2, etc. AP Dr Hirofumi Hara conditional SMJC 1003 3 Sem 2 1. Wade, L.G. Jr., 2012. Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed., Prentice Hall, NJ, USA. McMurry, J., 2011. 2. Organic Chemistry . 8th Ed., Thomson Brooks/Cole, USA, 2008. 3. Bruice P.Y. 2010. Organic Chemistry, 6th Ed., Pearson International Edition, USA, 2007. 4. Solomon T.W.G. and Fryhle, C.B., 2009. Organic Chemistry, 10th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 2008. 5. Smith, G., 2010. Organic Chemistry. 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill Int. Ed., NY, USA, 2006. 6. Carey F.A., 2010. Organic Chemistry. 8th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, USA. Quiz, Assessment, Test, Final Examination AP Dr Hirofumi Hara
Prof. Dr. Zuriati Zakaria
Prof. Dr. Norio Sugiura,,
This course has two primary objectives. Firstly, it will present the theories and associated practices concerned with sustainable management, policy and governance. Concepts such as sustainable consumption and production, non-structural management, and sustainable policy making will be covered. Emphasis is placed on public and private sector governance and their different approaches to the integrated management of environmental, social and economic concerns. Secondly, current environmental policies – water, energy and waste – at both governmental and corporate levels will be analysed in relation to the theories covered in the first part of the course. Malaysian and global perspectives on these environmental policies are analysed. Furthermore, the key policy developments in the latest international sustainability reporting procedures, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) will be covered. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to i) evaluate the effectiveness of corporate or public sustainability strategies and ii) integrate different sustainable approaches into corporate and public sector settings. Case studies will be drawn from local and international scenarios. Particular emphasis will be placed on team-work and effective communication skills so that course participants can contribute to behaviour change approaches and corporate sustainability strategies. 1. Analyze the different theories and concepts related to sustainable management, policy and governance 2. Evaluate different policy options for a specific sector or industry and give reasons for identifying the most sustainable solution 3. Clearly communicate a corporate sustainable strategy and demonstrate the environmental & economic trade-offs, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology UTMKL Lecture and Discussion, Team Assessment, Presentation, Case Study, Final Examination week 1, week 2 – 3, etc. Prof Dr Zuriati Zakaria conditional MMJS 1133 1. Choong W., Abdul Hakim, M & Mohammad Tahir Sabit, M (eds) (2012) Non- Structural Environmental Management. UTM Press. 2. Fischer J, Dyball R, Fazey I., et. al (2012). Human behavior and sustainability. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10: 153–160. 3. Vlek C. and Steg L. (2007) Human Behavior and Environmental Sustainability: Problems, Driving Forces, and Research Topics. Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 1-19 4. National Green Technology Policy. Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air (KeTTHA), 5. Hitam S. (1999) Sustainable energy policy and strategies: a prerequisite for the concerted development and promotion of the renewable energy in Malaysia. 6. Hezri A.A. & Hasan N. (2006). Towards sustainable development? The evolution of environmental Natural Resources Forum 30 :37–50 7. MOSTE (1998). National Policy on Biodiversity. Ministry of Science,Technology and the Environment, Kuala Lumpur. 8. MOSTE (2002). National Policy on the Environment. Ministry of Science,Technology and the Environment, Kuala Lumpur. Team Assessment (Group), Presentation (Individual), Case Study (Group), Final Examination Prof Dr Zuriati Zakaria